Here you can find many of the answer you are looking for concerning Stats For Poker. If you do not find your answer feel free to contact us at support@statsforpoker.com.
How Much Does StatsForPoker Cost?
The investment is $19.99 monthly, you can cancel at any time by sending an e-mail. By using our software it should take you less than 1 day to recoup your investment.
Do I receive software updates for free?
Yes all updates are free! You don't pay a dime more than the monthly subscription rate.
How Many Games do you Record/Store in Your Database?
We record approximately 90% of the games a player plays, depending on the network.
What type of computer do I need for StatsForPoker?
Any computer can do searches thru our website. However to use our software you will need any version of Windows XP or Windows Vista.
What happens once I purchase StatsForPoker?
You can immediately use the Username and Password to conduct online searches. However most customers prefer to download and install the software (takes about 5 minutes) and then use the software to search entire tables at the click of a button.
I have a question that isn't answered here, how do I get help?
Please e-mail us at support@statsforpoker.com and we'll answer your question within 12 hours.
How do I start playing?

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