At our site you can check SNG and tourney player statistics for all players at Absolute Poker, Full Tilt Poker, PokerStars, Ultimate Bet, and Party Poker.
$file = "";
//print ($file);
$linesback = 20;
$recentlines = 20;
exec ("tail -$linesback /var/www/html/$file |head -$recentlines", $rawstats);
preg_match_all ("/;(\d+)/", implode ("\n", $rawstats), $tailstats, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$current_stat = 0;
foreach ($tailstats[1] as $tailstat) {
$diff = $tailstat - $current_stat;
if ($diff == 0) {$prnt=0;};
if ($prnt==1){
print "FullTilt games gathered per hour during the previous four hours
$current_stat = 0;
$cnt = $linesback;
foreach ($tailstats[1] as $tailstat) {
$diff = $tailstat - $current_stat;
if ($current_stat) $hoursum += $diff;
if ( ($cnt-1)/4==floor(($cnt-1)/4)){
if (($cnt-1)/4<4 and $current_stat) print (($cnt-1)/4)." hours ago $hoursum
if ($diff>$tailmax and $current_stat) $tailmax=$diff ;
print "updates every 15 minutes";
We offer the stats you want, such as the amount of money a player has won or lost over time, how often a player wins or loses, and what buy in levels a player typically plays. We've eliminated the cumbersome typing of player names (it is 2008!) and instead offer one click software to scan the entire table and then produce a heads up display that is placed right on your poker table. This combination of ease of use, and the stats you want to see, makes StatsForPoker the best choice for player tracking.
The database includes all Players who play Sit-and-Go style tables. We offer a variety of statistics:
These statistics include:
- How much money a player has won or lost
- A graph with the amount of money the player has won or lost over time
- The percentage of time the player has finished in the money
- The players win/loss record at each buy in level
All of this information is available through the software our customers receive. With this software you click one button, then the software scans the entire table and automatically presents the statistics in the manner you choose (on the table, or within the software, or both).
Here is an example of the knowledge you will have if you purchase our product:
How do I start playing?

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The StatsForPoker ® WILL make you a consistent money winner in the following ways:
Before you sit down at a table, find out the skill level of your competition. Sure you can probably beat the best players more often than not, but to truly make great money at poker, it's best to indentify the "easy money" and then take advantage of it.
Once you are actually in the game, try to get in hands with the weaker players and avoid the better players if possible. They weak players can increase your chip stack quickly! There is nothing better than doubling up early in a Sit N Go. Another good way to use StatsForPoker is to identify the good players, then watch how they play to pick up pointers to help your own game.
Knowledge is power, by knowing more than your opponents you will instantly have an advantage. You can then use this knowledge to gain a chip lead. If you don't have StatsForPoker, the player across from you may!
We are so confident this will help your game and make you money that if for any reason the product does not work as advertised within 30 days of purchase, we offer you a 100% Money Back Guarantee!! We'll put our money where our mouths are so you can put money in your pocket.
Finally, WE WILL NEVER SHARE OR SELL ANY OF OUR CUSTOMERS INFORMATION. By never, we mean under any and all circumstances, your information is safe with us. Read more about it in our Privacy Policy.